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About US

Bowhunters of Wyoming is Wyoming’s only non-profit whose sole purpose is to promote the enjoyment and betterment of the sport of bowhunting. We ARE bowhunting in Wyoming! BOW was founded in 1974 by bowhunters who wanted to make sure our great sport not only survived but flourished in this state. Fast forward to the present time, we are still providing our members with the same efforts to promote and preserve bowhunting, plus so much more!

BOW property and business is managed by an Executive Council consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Past President, and seven Area Representatives. Additionally, several volunteers serve as Committee Chairs who work to support legislative efforts, membership, the annual convention, and more. Read more about our Executive Council.

Our Purpose

To promote the enjoyment and betterment of the sport of bowhunting.

Our Beliefs

We believe in the enjoyment of bowhunting by all types of successful hunters. We believe in the humane taking of wild animals by fair chase.

Our Priority Issues

  • Providing more opportunity and access to hunt.
  • Preventing cross-over gun seasons due to safety concerns.
  • Promoting longer archery seasons.
  • Working closely with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
  • Leading by example with the stewardship of Wyoming's wildlife.

Our Work

BOW supports a variety of projects within Wyoming that promote bowhunter education and wildlife conservation. Read more about our past projects and successes.

Bowhunters of Wyoming

An organization for bowhunters, by bowhunters.

Contact Us

PO Box 126
Dayton, WY 82836

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